Product Summary
The Learn2Jam Guitar Soloing System consists of 7 DVD's, 1 Audio CD, and a Jam Trax Booklet. The first 6 DVD's contain the note-for-note, riff by riff, picture-in-picture video of how to play each of the four cornerstone songs which are the foundation of this course. These songs are:
A. Black Magic Woman;
B. China Grove;
C. Rambling Man; and,
D. Johnny B. Goode.
The "Learn2Jam Soloing System" is designed to be studied and practiced in a specific, sequential order. Your first step is to learn all of the solo licks to each one of the four included songs beginning with the first DVD entitled "Black Magic Woman". Here, we will go over each riff in the song at full speed, half speed and then converse about the mechanics of the riff and its use in soloing. After you have studied, learned and played all of the licks in the entire song and feel comfortable enough to move to the next song, go on to the next DVD titled "China Grove". Here you will repeat the entire process of studying, learning and playing all of the licks in this song. Again, when you feel comfortable to move on to the next song, do so, going to the "Ramblin' Man" DVD and then lastly, on to "Johnny B. Goode".
The Course also contains a Jam Trax DVD and CD. The Jam Trax DVD is designed to be used after you have given a sufficient amount of time to learning, practicing and playing the licks and riffs to the four songs in the course. Assuming you have done your homework, and have learned the four cornerstone songs well, you will have ALL of the building blocks necessary from which you can draw on to solo with me on the DVD. On the Jam Trax DVD you and I will take the licks you have learned and "plug them into" different styles of song tracks.
Below is a song-by-song summary of what is on each DVD:
Black Magic Woman:
(2 DVD's) The quintessential, Minor-key Latin-rock "Learn To Jam" song. Here, I will begin to show you my
personal system of how using visual geometric patterns will give you anchor points when trying to solo. I will
show you the advantage of using lines, circles, triangles and rectangles. These shapes will help you know where
to go when creating your own solos. Plus, since this is a minor key song, I give you the little extras needed to
make your solo "sound correct".
China Grove:
(1 DVD) This is a fantastic, Major-Key soloing, instructional-tool song. In this song, we will work a lot with
"leading edge lines" and how they will give you an entire pentatonic area to solo with. (I will explain the
pentatonic soloing concept, if you do not already know this.) We also get to use elements from Black Magic
Woman, as we expand our neck movement when learning to solo.
Rambling Man:
(2 DVD's) This takes you to the next plateau in taking the Minor and Major Key songs and learning to work them
both together to expand your riff arsenal. A few extra, incidental notes help make this song the
"tie-it-all-together" song. Quick riffs and many solo parts will help you think in new ways. There are also some
double, harmonic leads I throw in so that you can hear both parts of the riff.
Johnny B. Goode:
(1 DVD) This is the guitar player's, guitar player's song you must learn to play the correct way. Very, very few
guitarists know how to play this opening solo properly. Most of us slough through it and create our own version.
When you and I learn it together, you will see how many different finger placement requirements there are to
play this correctly. You will learn the "horn slide" riff which is so cool and the alternate playing method of
using a "unison bend". You will also learn how to use 4th's intervals when soloing and more.
Learn-To-Jam DVD:
(1 DVD) This is the DVD that ties the entire course together. Here, we take the riffs and ideas that we have
learned in the four cornerstone songs and use them to jam. Don't worry because we do it together. I jam to the
specific jam trax I have written and stop the songs and we talk about the riffs that I am using to build my
solos. This is what it's all about. You even get some extra bonus ideas that happen to come up in our jamming
together. This is what I call: your gold disc, because you will refer to it over and over again and it is the
mother lode of all the material and where you will have the most fun!
Jam Trax CD:
This includes the 11 songs that you and I jammed to on the DVD. Now it's your chance to solo on your own, with
the CD. Here's where you build your own soloing chops.